Prayer Blanket Ministry
So far, we’ve distributed blankets to over 560 people. Each knot of a prayer blanket represents a prayer offered for the person who receives the blanket. We are always looking for people who would benefit from this ministry; please let us know if you know someone who:
— Suffers from a chronic illness; or a life-threatening illness
— Is experiencing spiritual or emotional turmoil
— Has recently lost a loved one
— Would benefit from knowing many prayers are being offered for their special need by the people of St. Anthony
The Prayer Blanket Ministry also offers prayer squares for your own personal use. Tie the knot and enclose it in a card
for birthdays, anniversaries, get well, etc., along with your personal prayer.
The squares are available at each entrance of the Church. Please feel free to take one to tuck into your next card.
We welcome new members – anyone who can cut or sew or crochet is needed!
Contact Person: Sandy Maenle – 734-847-7813