Sacramental Schedules & Procedures
Sacrament of Reconciliation & Penance
Thursday 5:00pm-6:00pm, or by appointment. Please call the Parish Office 734-854-1143
Call the rectory to register. Parents must attend a preparatory class.
The child’s name is not to be foreign to Christian sentiment (Canon 855).
At least one parent must be a registered parishioner, active and practicing with the hope that the parent(s) will bring the child up in the Catholic Religion (Canon 868.1.2). If not, the parent(s) must have some family connection or history with the parish. A letter from their proper pastor will be required for permission as well as verification.
There must be at least one godparent (sponsor); however, there may be two. They must be active, practicing Catholics registered at a parish (a letter from their pastor is required for verification). The sponsor(s) must be fully initiated (made their First Holy Communion and was Confirmed) and not less than 16 years of age – unless there is a just reason for the age. If there is only one godparent, this may be male or female. If two, then they must be male and female. In the case of only one godparent (sponsor), a baptized person who belongs to a non-Catholic ecclesial community may be admitted… simply as a witness to the baptism (Canon 874).
Holy Communion
The child must be registered and attend the School or Religious Education Classes in order that he or she has “sufficient knowledge and be accurately prepared, so that according to their capacity they understand what the mystery of Christ means, and are able to receive the Body of the Lord with faith and devotion (Canon 913-914). The child must make his or her First Reconciliation before being admitted to Holy Communion (Canon 914).
The child must be registered and attend the School or Religious Education Classes in order that he or she is “suitably instructed, and properly disposed and able to renew the baptismal promises” (Canon 889.2-890). There is only one sponsor. The sponsor must be active, practicing Catholics registered at a parish (a letter from their pastor is required for verification). The sponsor(s) must also be fully initiated (made their First Holy Communion and was Confirmed) and not less than 16 years of age (Canon 874).
Holy Matrimony
The couple should contact the pastor at least nine (9) months in advance, because the Archdiocese requires that the process begin no later than six (6) month in advance of the wedding date. Please contact the pastor before making arrangements with the hall, etc.
The couple should be active, practicing and registered members of the parish. If not, the bride or groom must have some family connection or history with the parish. A letter from their proper pastor will be required for permission to be married at St. Anthony’s, as well as, verification of membership (Canon 1108-1115). If a Catholic party desires to marry a non-Catholic party at the non-Catholic church, the couple must still meet with the pastor, fill out the paper work, observe the required preparation, and receive permission (Dispensation) from the bishop in order to marry outside of the Church (Canon 1116-1119). The ceremony must be performed by the St. Anthony Parish Pastor or a family member who is a priest.
The couple is to attend a marriage preparation class, a Natural Family Planning (NFP) class, and take the Pre-Marriage Inventory in order to be suitably prepared (Canon 1066-1072).
Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick
The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is available by appointment; please call the parish office to schedule, especially prior to surgery or when first entering hospice. Please note that this Sacrament is not just to be administered prior to death (Last Rites), but can be administered to those who are seriously sick, the elderly, and even before surgery.